There is only one of you. You are the only one with your specific DNA, heart, thoughts, desires, passions, and idiosyncrasies that make you, you. The chances of you being here was one in trillions and trillions and trillions.
Something I know for sure, is that we all really want to be doing whatever the hell we are here to do. Each of us can hear the distinctive calling of our own hearts, desires and passions. The undeniable urge to see more, do more, have more and love bolder lives within us all. We are each placed here with our own unique and incredible talents, gifts and the desires that live inside each of us, so we can bring them to life.
None of us are any more or any less special than our brothers and sisters, because our uniqueness, like our DNA, belongs to us but also exists within each other. Like snowflakes, fingerprints and clouds; no one more important and no one less magical than the rest.
This is who you are.
Your work is to uncover everything you have come to believe that blocks you from feeling this magic every single day. Your job is to come alive and bring these phenomenal gifts to the entire world. They live inside of you but they long to be free. To be shared. To be lived and used and of the highest service.
Your job is to remember who you were before anyone clouded your vision. You know the feelings you have when you close your eyes and sit in stillness and feel peaceful as you feel your heart beating through your chest? That is who you are. You are the child inside the grownup who dreamed and dreamed and dreamed. Those wishes and hopes were a map filled with inspiration on how to bring every desire to life.
Work your magic
Commit to coming to life. Commit to being yourself. Commit to discovering who the hell that self is and then with every moment of your time here, commit to bringing that being into every single breath. That is the importance of being authentic. The importance of truly being alive.
You are a miracle. So, now what? What will you do with your miracle?
Big Juicy Love,