So many women calling themselves bosses and still not showing up in their own lives.
You want to be a boss bitch/boss babe/bad ass etc?!
💡How about you stop competing and start creating?
💡How about you show up for yourself?
💡How about you lift other women up and stop gossiping?
💡How about you believe you are worthy of your wildest dreams?
💡How about you get honest and clear about what you really want in your life?
💡How about you go after what you deserve and start believing in yourself?
💡How about you stop comparing yourself to other people and just do what makes you happy?
💡How about you put in the work even if that means admitting there are things you need to stop doing, change, rearrange, add and even let go of in order to become the person you need to be to have the life you say you want?
Because bosses show up every single day – rain or shine – and do what needs to be done to achieve their goals.💅🏼
Bosses work hard and have the weight of the world on their shoulders at times.
It’s not all glamour, travel, insta-perfection and cashing cheques; there’s a lot of tears, doubt, late nights, early mornings and pissing people off.
But most importantly, being a boss means: fighting for what you believe in, executing what feels impossible, being authentic, asking for help, hiring your weaknesses (admitting you have them), failing, flailing, rising, never giving up,keeping your goals close and staying true to what you value even when the only one cheering you on is YOU. 👊🏼🔥😘