If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
If you have to trade your ethics, self-esteem or respect for it, don’t do it.
If you are going against your heart, don’t do it.
If you feel pressured because you don’t want to let someone down even though it makes you sick, don’t do it.
If you don’t believe in the message, don’t do it.
If you have no logical reasons as to why it doesn’t feel good but your gut says it’s not right, don’t do it!!!!
If you’ve done it for decades but today it feels wrong, don’t do it!!
“I don’t want to” is a perfect declaration and reason all wrapped in one.
“No” is a complete sentence.
You can decline with love and respect.
You can choose how to spend your time.
You don’t miss out by avoiding what’s not meant for you – you make yourself available for when it’s a whole hearted, “YES!”