Your willingness to wait is causing you suffering.
Patience is a virtue until it is a crutch.
Waiting for things to finally come together on goals you have planned for, worked for or attempted to succeed at are where your patience will pay off.
That’s not what I’m talking about here.
I’m talking about those of you who are perpetually waiting for the right time to even begin.
Or even more painful: those so crippled with fear to even begin to dream about their dreams that they continue to live the same day over and over and over never getting any closer to what they want.
This year looks like last year looks like next year.
The only way to ease this suffering is to rebel against your fears and DO. Take action on something.
It doesn’t have to be huge it just has to move you forward.
Take the class, apply for the job, join the gym, take yourself out on dates, start a meditation practice, begin to volunteer, work on your self esteem, book the trip, ask him out, tell her she’s gorgeous, surprise someone, take a different route home, stop settling, say no more often, let yourself cry, plan your goals, buy the car, get the makeover, read the books, speak up, raise your hand, say yes to life and fully show up for whatever “thing” you want that you shy away from.
Indulge in the calls of your soul.
We need you here, showing up,
Over and over again, ready to DO the things you’ve always wanted.
Your heart needs to be all the way on fire, you can be scared and your palms can be sweaty but you need to trust that in your doing, in your action, in your momentum… that’s where you come alive the most.
That’s where you pass the threshold of fear and slide right into possible.
You prove it to yourself. Because you suddenly have evidence of your strength and your power and your resiliency.
Please don’t take my word for it.
Do it.