Here’s the thing:
You truly and fully can have the life you have always dreamed.
All the love, success, travel, happiness, family – everything that means anything to you can be yours.
But you have to decide what it is you want and then GO AND GET IT.
That means you become unapologetic about it.
That means you stop making excuses as to why you can’t have it.
That means you drop anything or anyone who holds you back from what you have declared that you want.
Sometimes when I tell people that they need to remove the negative people in their lives, they say it sounds harsh – maybe it does but I can’t stop to care how sounds because to me, you know what sounds really harsh?
Living an absolute mediocre half-ass life because you have surrounded yourself with people who are holding you down.
It’s harsh to have a vision in your mind and heart that never comes to life because you are so afraid of what other people will think or how it will look to others.
It’s harsh to suffer every day knowing you aren’t trying your absolute best to create what you were BORN TO BRING TO EARTH.
It’s harsh to shrink, shrivel, give up and never know what it feels like to stand in your power and rock your gifts.
It’s brutally harsh to always wonder what could have been if only you believed in the mind blowing miracle that you are.
You can have all of the things you want.
But the first person to believe in your vision has to be YOU.
You need to be willing to put down whatever is not serving you:
The limiting beliefs
The doubt
The fear that it won’t work
And yes, the people that do not support you or put you down or keep you stuck.
And you know what I have found? That when you start being unapologetic and making your vision non-negotiable – That those same people who are quick to judge or ridicule, they will either rise up to meet you or fall away naturally.
You will either inspire them to meet you where you are at or you become energetically unavailable to them and they fade away.
It’s a win/win. But how they react is not the point.
The point is….
That YOU rise up
That you shift into the place you need to be in order to have what you want.
That you only make yourself available for your deepest desires.
That you remove yourself from anything that no longer aligns with who you are.
And most powerfully –
That you take charge of who you are and take responsibility for the powerful creature you are.
Then you get to be busy doing all the things that light you up.
Let’s go!