Do you really want something different or is that just something you daydream about in an effort to avoid the parts of your life that you aren’t in love with?
Big change has been a theme in my life whether I was ready or not. Sometimes, it took me by such surprise that it tormented me for years. But so often, I have wanted and even begged, prayed and dreamed of that BIG change and I have received it even when I wasn’t ready for what it meant in its entirety.
New cities, new loves, new homes, new jobs, new passions, new hobbies and new versions of me.
Every time change comes into my life, I know it requires a sacrifice. Big or small, I never can tell until it is looking me right in the eyes.
I have often thought of life as a big and beautiful carnival. So many lights and games and magical rides, illusionists and haunted houses, Ferris wheels and spooky characters. But also, romance and fantasy and dreams coming true and laughter. So much laughter. No matter what you go for, you always have to buy a ticket and pay the fee. That is life. You can have anything you want at the fair, so long as you are willing to pay to play.
If you are lucky, you can pay with money. But if you are dedicated, your exchange comes from deep within.
That change can look like having to say goodbye to people, places, jobs or opportunities. Often, the most harrowing and difficult exchange is when I am called to let go of or evolve a part of my soul in order to rise and meet the next level of the life I have worked for.
There just seems to be no way to remain the exact version of yourself whilst wishing for elevation. We cannot hope to stay on the ground while testing our wings.
My ambitions in this life have kept me in a constant love affair with the world. Like any fit of passion, my heart yearns for things that my mind hasn’t quite figured out how to attempt. My impulses beckon when my feet aren’t yet ready to move.
You can’t receive change whilst wildly holding on to the past. We all know this in our heads but sometimes fail to practice this with our hearts.
The truth is, things need to unravel before you can recreate. Our practice isn’t it guarding what we have, but in releasing what we no longer need.
So, I ask you, are you ready to let go so you can receive?
Big Juicy Love,