You must protect your energy.
This is your magical gift from source.
This is what makes up the parts of you that move mountains and make your life just so.
It is imperative that you treat it like the vital, sacred, life shaking, dream making gold that it is and be very careful who you give it to, allow near it and how you use it.
Not everyone understands the magnitude your energy holds because they don’t even understand their own yet.
There are many folks wandering this earth abusing themselves, stifling their gifts and misusing their power.
They cannot help but abuse yours. And if you let that destruction in, it will poison what you’ve created.
It’s up to you to take the necessary precautions to protect your own gifts and energy.
Allow others the miracle of healing without being saved. Let them come to their own conclusions and trust that when they are ready, they too will soar and in turn respect their assets.
Not enough people understand that they are a beautiful masterpiece; so deliciously rare and created with so much purpose. So much power.
It is not your job to let everyone in, most particularly people who don’t respect your gifts or cherish you.
Be fierce with your boundaries and create an untouchable kingdom where you and your most loved and kindred spirits can be free.
The focus should never be on how to keep people out but rather how to increase the goodness that is already within.
And, sometimes, that means checking people’s tickets at the gate.
You are not for everyone all of the time.
Don’t be afraid to turn people away when they don’t represent the values, love, respect and energy that you live by.