It is a radical act of self love to accept who you are and unapologetically live the life you were meant for.
It takes immeasurable courage to show up day after day and be true to what you really want.
The world will constantly attempt to put you in your place and try and convince you that you are taking up too much space by being too loud, too picky, too determined and too much of yourself.
There will always be someone waiting in the shadows to jump out and attempt to dull your shine by tearing down all of the beauty you are creating.
There will be endless opportunities for others to comment, give unwanted advice, mock, ridicule and attempt to convince you that somewhere along the way you have misunderstood who you are.
They will want to shut you up, cut you down and diminish the extraordinary feat it is to rise up, heal and forge forward towards your own glory.
And in each of these moments you will have to decide who to listen to and who to ignore.
You will need to decide which voice is more powerful: the ones on the outside or the one on the inside.
You will need to repeatedly stand up and consciously choose yourself.
Believe in yourself.
Bet on yourself.
You will need believe with conviction that you were given dreams in your heart because they belong to you. Not because they are meant to taunt you.
Your faith needs to be unshakable in the fact that ONLY you can execute what only YOU have been given to create.
And you must know with every fiber of your being that these dreams, these passions, these feelings you feel in your core, have been gifted to you because you have everything it will take to bring them to life. And it will take everything you’ve got to do that.
And the sooner you learn to ignore and deflect all of the distractions of the world, the sooner you will commit to showing up in that unequivocal power that you already hold.
The world awaits.