It’s more than okay not to fit in to all the boxes you see people climb in and out of every single day.
It’s more than okay to have dreams wilder than anything you have ever experienced, heard about or seen with your own eyes.
It’s beyond acceptable to STOP doing things you used to always do, were taught to do from birth, used to love doing etc.
You are allowed to change your mind at any time for any reason to anyone.
You have ZERO obligation to anyone in this life or the next if you no longer want to spend time, money or energy with them anymore.
You don’t owe a damn thing to anyone other than yourself.
YOU putting your needs/desires/passions first does not make you selfish (read last point for reference)
And lastly, please stop apologizing for the way your brain thinks, how your heart aches and for wanting – no, NEEDING to bring your dreams to life because you think of them all day while you bust your ass for people who will never put your needs first.
This is the one time you get this body and these dreams in this point in time on this planet. You’ve got shit to do far greater than worrying about if you’re good enough/talented enough/smart enough or brave enough.
You are a once in a lifetime kind of beauty and it’s time you started to act like it.
Love love love you XO