One thing that I know we all have in common is the very human condition of suffering. Oh, I bet you can come up with a big old list of how many ways you have suffered in this life. You probably think about some of them way too often, right?
I used to let my suffering rule my life. I would run through every incident in my mind and mentally berate, attack and relive every. Single. Fucking. Minute of my pain….Uggghhh it was so awful to live that way because not only was I torturing myself, I was also spending so much time on the negative stuff that I didn’t really think about the great things that were happening or the great things that I wished were happening. It is pretty hard to see outside of suffering and that is why I think healing is one of the most magical, loving, pampering, luxurious and necessary things that we can do for ourselves.
So, how do you transform your suffering then? Well, the first question I have for you is, “Are you willing to transform?”
You see, everyone wants the prize. The success, the happiness, the love story, the happily ever after…right? Of course, you do! And I think you are oh so worthy of it gorgeous.
But you aren’t gonna get there feeling sorry for yourself and being stuck in the never-ending loop of suffering that you keep participating in.
I am not saying anything you don’t already know, right? So, if we all know this stuff then why don’t we change? Why aren’t we all rocking the shit out of our dreams and counting our money whilst being fed grapes by someone incredibly delicious?
Permission. That little word holds a big punch. So many of us do not think we are worthy of letting go of our suffering. Even worse, many don’t realize that suffering is a choice.
Don’t get me wrong, the things that happened TO YOU were likely not always your choice. BUT your reaction to them very much is. I know what you are thinking, “Fuuuucckkkkkkk!! That sucks!” And you are very right.
However, the fabulous news is that you are in charge of this incredible journey and if you haven’t been told before, you CAN take your power back.
One of the best things that ever happened to me was when I put myself back in charge of my happiness.
A mentor and I were having a conversation and I was listing off the reasons why my life was so difficult at the time. I heard myself go into a huge list of all of the horrible things that had caused me suffering and in those moments, I could very much feel the pain burning in my heart. All the tragedy and misfortune was weighing heavily on me and I knew if I could just move past them that I could finally see what I was meant to do here on this planet.
My mentor looked at me and said, “Iman, you are already suffering. That is life sometimes. Why don’t you try suffering for your greatness?”
It took a while for his words to really sink into my soul….but when they did, holy shit! I had never thought about it like that. I mean, I was really good at suffering and I used to joke that I was an expert.
So, if that were true, then could I put my pain into something great for the world? If we cannot avoid the stumbles and scraped knees and sometimes brutal hurts of this world, then maybe we can decide to fight the good fight. The one our soul is begging of us.
I decided very quickly that I would no longer look at suffering the same way again. I took my power back and made the very conscious choice to work towards answering the calling of my heart. To give back all the tools, tips, lessons and endless love that I have accumulated in this world.
Now, I can barely recognize my life sometimes. I look around at all the miracles that I have worked and intentionally called into my life and I think back to that young girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders suffering with every breath and I am so grateful that she found a way to transform her suffering into following her greatness.
I was willing to see things differently and although that doesn’t seem like it could change the world – it was exactly what I needed to change my mind and turn my pain into my power.
If this resonates with you let me know! Comment, reply to this email and share it with someone who might need a little love nudge <3
You really do make a difference XO
Big Juicy Love,