Be very wary of people who try to convince you that you are not whole or that you need a little more of anything outside of yourself in order to be complete.
You already have everything you need because you are always whole.
It is impossible for you to be any other way.
That doesn’t mean that sometimes you won’t feel defeated or sad or depressed or angry.
But know that whatever emotion you are feeling, whatever situation arises in your life – you are always a full, miraculous and whole human being.
You are not broken or flawed.
You are not missing something or unlovable.
You are not difficult to be around.
You are not a complicated thing that needs solving or forcing in order to be loved.
You are not lost.
You can never undo the beauty that encompasses your true nature.
You can never be separate from your love.
These truths may feel far fetched sometimes.
Sometimes, you may need reminders of your light.
Sometimes, you may need to show yourself the evidence of your own glory and reach deep into the reserves.
But don’t you ever, not even for a second, believe the bullshit story that you are somehow missing pieces of yourself or that you need fixing.
The only thing that ever needs adjusting is the way we perceive ourselves.
And no external person, place or thing can offer up some part of yourself that didn’t already exist before.
You are your own saving grace and therein lies your freedom.